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We are entirely dedicated to supporting and helping victims of the crypto industry.
We do this by conducting our own case analysis of fraud cases as well as through case analysis on behalf of clients.
In doing so, we work exclusively on behalf of fraud victims and/or authorities, but never on behalf of the crypto industry.
This is due to the fact that we consider the crypto industry to be fundamentally unnecessary, dangerous and very harmful to our civil societies, as well as to our environment.

Another major difference to other companies active in the field of cryptocurrency forensics is our use of largely self-developed software for analysis.
This has the decisive advantage that we can then use this software ideally and utilize all of its functions exactly as intended, as we know them down to the last detail.
For complex case analyses, we also develop individual software based on our existing tools, which is then tailored precisely to the individual case.
This enables us to uncover even very complex and sophisticated fraud scenarios. You can find examples of this on our website.

Even if there are individual cases in which stolen cryptocurrencies can be recovered quickly, this is the absolute exception.
We analyze cases of fraud, obtain evidence that fraud has taken place and ultimately hand over these analyses and evidence to our clients or to state authorities.
In most cases, only these authorities are able to confiscate stolen assets and, in the best case, compensate the victims after the perpetrators have been charged and convicted.
This is usually a lengthy process and we support this with our analyses, in which we prove fraud, identify perpetrators and determine the whereabouts of assets.

At this point, we would like to warn you about so-called recovery scams.
If you have been the victim of fraud, there is a very high probability that other fraudsters will try to defraud you again.
With recovery scams, your situation is exploited by fraudsters who promise to recover the lost assets from the original scam quickly and easily.
Ultimately, however, this promise is only used to steal further assets from you.

If you have fallen victim to a scam, make sure that you observe the following points:

  • Be sure to file a report with the appropriate investigating authority.
  • Seek legal advice.
  • Inform any existing insurance companies (e.g. your legal expenses insurance) about your case.
  • Carefully check the reliability of the service providers used (contractual agreements, reputable websites with provider identification, no payments without invoices and contractual basis, no communication via anonymous messengers).
  • If in doubt, ask the investigating authorities or your legal representative whether other service providers used are recommended and considered reputable by them.

It is not possible to make a general statement about the time required for our analyses / investigations, as many factors play a role here.
The most decisive factor for the time required is clearly the complexity of the underlying fraud case. But of course our own workload also plays a role.
On our website you will find examples of cases in which we have successfully proven fraud and its perpetrators. If you read through these case examples, you can see for yourself how many factors influence the duration of our analyses/investigations.

Depending on the type and complexity of the underlying fraud case, we develop our own software to analyze / prove it.
We can often draw on existing software from previous cases or use our standard tools.
This factor also plays a major role in the time ultimately required for our case analyses.

If you have been the victim of fraud and require a case-specific assessment of your fraud case, you are welcome to contact us.

If you are a victim of fraud and would like us to carry out a case analysis of your fraud case, you have two fundamentally different options.

On the one hand, you can report your case to us via the completely free “Report scam” function.
However, we cannot guarantee that we will actually take action in your case. For security reasons and in order not to jeopardize any investigations we may have carried out, we do not provide any information about the investigations we carry out using the “Report scam” function.

The second option is to commission us for a fee-based case analysis.
In this case, costs are only incurred in the event of success, which is contractually defined in advance.
Success-based does not necessarily mean that costs can only be incurred if assets are recovered, but the success case is discussed in detail in advance and defined in the contract.
In most cases, the defined success case is the clear proof of fraud and often the identification of the perpetrators of the fraud or the whereabouts of the stolen assets (e.g. until the sale of cryptocurrencies on a cryptocurrency exchange).
Depending on the underlying fraud case, the defined success cases are designed so that they can ultimately be used by investigating authorities as a basis for the possible recovery of assets.
Further information and an exemplary project flow for analyses / investigations on behalf of clients can be found here.

Our pricing is divided into two areas.

On the one hand, we have a “Report scam” function on our website which you can use to report / describe your fraud case to us.
This report is completely free of charge for you.
Whether we carry out an analysis / investigation based on your report depends on several factors, such as the likelihood of success and the scope of the fraud case.
If we carry out an analysis / investigation and come to a conclusion, we will pass this on to selected investigating authorities.
Whether they then take action in the underlying case and may be able to recover your assets is beyond our control.
For reasons of investigative tactics, we cannot provide any information about the cases in which we take action and our reasons for or against an analysis / investigation.
Here you will find our “Report scam” function and further information on this.

We also carry out analyses / investigations on behalf of our clients.
These incur costs for the client, but these are precisely regulated in advance and are also success-based.
Success-based does not necessarily mean that costs can only be incurred if assets are recovered, but rather that the case of success is discussed in detail in advance and contractually defined.
In most cases, the defined success case is the clear proof of fraud and often the identification of the perpetrators of the fraud or the whereabouts of the stolen assets (e.g. until the sale of cryptocurrencies on a cryptocurrency exchange).
Depending on the underlying fraud case, the defined success cases are designed so that they can ultimately be used by investigating authorities as a basis for the possible recovery of assets.
Further information and an exemplary project flow for analyses / investigations on behalf of clients can be found here.

It happens again and again that cases of fraud are carried out in such a sophisticated way that it is not clear at first glance whether it is actually a case of fraud. No general answer can be given here and in order to be able to assess this, only a close examination of the underlying case and, in the case of an initial suspicion, a precise case analysis will help.
If you have been the victim of an alleged case of fraud, you are welcome to contact us with a rough description of the case.

We specialize in the analysis of cryptocurrency fraud cases. We analyze transaction histories in an attempt to track down the perpetrators of fraud and determine the whereabouts of stolen assets.
For this reason, we are usually unable to help you with the loss of access data, private keys, defective hard- or software, etc.
However, due to the specialist knowledge we need for our work, we can give you an assessment of your options.
We can only assess whether this is easy to create or whether it will be time-consuming and therefore costly after an initial description of your case.
You are welcome to contact us and tell us about your case.

Cases of fraud in which you are offered investments in cryptocurrencies by alleged personal investment advisors are constantly increasing.
In most cases, you transfer money to a foreign account of the “wealth advisor”, which he then supposedly invests in cryptocurrencies for you.
Often, completely fake investment portals on the internet are used for this purpose. These show you your alleged investments and supposed profits in cryptocurrencies.
However, these websites are merely fakes to make you believe that you have made investments and to persuade you to make more and more payments.
In reality, these investments never took place, but you simply transferred money to a fraudster’s account.
We can therefore achieve nothing in such cases with our cryptocurrency analysis procedures, as cryptocurrencies were never actually involved in these cases.
In such cases, there is only the possibility that investigating authorities can identify the perpetrators and possibly confiscate / recover funds.

At this point, we would like to warn you about so-called recovery scams.
If you have been the victim of fraud, there is a very high probability that other fraudsters will try to defraud you again.
With recovery scams, your situation is exploited by fraudsters who promise to recover the lost assets from the original scam quickly and easily.
Ultimately, however, this promise is only used to steal further assets from you.

If you have fallen victim to a scam, make sure that you observe the following points:

  • Be sure to file a report with the appropriate investigating authority.
  • Seek legal advice.
  • Inform any existing insurance companies (e.g. your legal expenses insurance) about your case.
  • Carefully check the reliability of the service providers used (contractual agreements, reputable websites with provider identification, no payments without invoices and contractual basis, no communication via anonymous messengers).
  • If in doubt, ask the investigating authorities or your legal representative whether other service providers used are recommended and considered reputable by them.