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Our tools

In-house development

We use software developed in-house for our analyses / investigations.


Thanks to the tools we have developed ourselves, we have the advantage of knowing them inside out and being able to use them ideally.
If necessary, we can implement more required functionality quickly and efficiently ourselves.

Customized analyses

Based on existing tools, we can carry out high-level individual analyses for which we customize our own tools on a case-by-case basis.

Benefit from our tools

Ahead through in-house development

We develop most of the software we use for our case analyses ourselves. This offers us decisive advantages when carrying out our analyses.
We have specialized in the analysis of particularly extensive, cleverly disguised and executed fraud scenarios. We can often only solve these cases thanks to our own software and its specific adaptation to the individual cases.

Using our own tools offers us the following advantages, among others:

  • Rapid expansion of functionality as soon as it is needed. This means no delay in the investigation.
  • Highly specialized software that is precisely tailored to our requirements.
  • Reusability and modular creation of case-specific software to solve even the most complex cases.

Especially for your case

Adaptation is often the key to success

In our case studies you will find the description of two analyses of rather complex fraud cases and the corresponding analysis software.
We were only able to solve both cases thanks to software specially developed for the underlying case.
You can see from these examples how our software is adapted to specific cases, but you can also see from the applications that the same development basis can be used.
This means that a highly specialized case analysis can be carried out without having to start from scratch every time.

Some cases can also be solved with our standard tools. Whether a specialized application is required for a case analysis cannot be said in general terms and always requires a prior close examination of the individual case.

Advantages using a practical example

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An advantage of our tools explained using a practical example

Of course, we have to be very careful when publishing information about the tools we use, as we don’t want to ruin our existing advantage over fraudsters / criminals by giving away too many of our secrets.
That is why we have chosen an example of the graphical representation, i.e. an example from the “front end”, as a practical example of the advantages of our self-developed analysis tools.
This is a good way of describing how we gain advantages from our own tools without going into too much technical detail, which we have to keep secret in order not to jeopardize our investigations.

We investigate extremely complex fraud scenarios often. With these, we often have the problem that a view of the transaction histories quickly becomes very confusing due to the number of wallets / addresses and transactions involved.
With many analysis tools and also in the initial versions of our tools, the transaction histories were displayed in two dimensions.
In order to achieve a clearer display of complex transaction histories and thus eliminate a potential source of error, we have converted our software to a three-dimensional display.
In the following example, you can see the advantage of the three-dimensional display using sample data, which is completely identical in the 2D and 3D display.
The difference in the three-dimensional representation lies in the clearer preparation of the displayed data and thus the better “readability”.
This is just one advantage that we achieve by developing our own tools, but it serves as a good example here as it is immediately apparent.

For the eyes

Dark themes for more relaxed working

And of course it is also very pleasant to be able to adapt the design of your software to your own wishes. Our entire IT infrastructure runs with the Nord – Theme color palette and that is why we have also given our software this design as standard.